All the information on this website – – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only.

All Names, Acronyms and Trademarks displayed on this website are those of their respective owners. Naijaschools spreads news for your convenience and ease based on available information, and thus, does not take any responsibility of unintended alternative or inaccurate information.

While we do our best to give you verified information, we recommend you to visit the official website of the school/organisation for complete information. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with the sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes.

Naijaschools does not offer admission processing, JAMB result upgrading, and/or its likes. On no account would any representative of Naijaschools request you to pay any money for these services. Beware of fraudsters.

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